Technology unifying the IBVE family
Our App is a technological tool used for administration, communication and facilitating the dissemination of events at IBVE, and greater interaction between its members. In it you have:
Real-time information. The App will inform you, member, everything that is happening in the church at the moment it is happening.
All in one place. All events being reported on the same platform, avoiding losses or mistakes.
Organization, speed and ease. Find events quickly by accessing your interest groups.
Want to know about church projects? Here you can also find them all.
Cell leader! Access studies, scripts, etc. through the platform.
Want to contribute but can't leave the house? Here is the solution. Through the App you will make your contribution online. Tithes, offerings and donations.
Don't forget the events. A calendar for you to never forget what is happening in our church. Synchronize your personal schedule with that of the church.
Digital evangelism. Give up your way of evangelizing! Recommend the App to share video services, devotions, studies, etc.